Here are some common questions about InnerFIT360°.
How do I register for classes?
Once you are ready to sign-up, you can register online by accessing the link to our online registration page. Once you register for your classes, we will send you an email, (usually within 72 hours), confirming your space in the class and the amount due.
How/who/when do I pay for classes?
At the beginning of each semester we have ‘payment days’ at the studio for clients to come and pay for their classes. We do require that payment be made before the start of each session. If you join after the start of the session, we will arrange to collect payment. We ask clients not to pay instructors during classes. Payment is in RMB cash only.
Do you accept WeChat Wallet or PayPal for payment?
At this time, we do not.
Can I try a class?
Yes. We allow clients 1 free trial of any class on the schedule. Interested clients must confirm space in the class prior to the trial.
What is a Punch Card?
A Punch Card is a card that you purchase for a set amount that can be used for all evening and Saturday morning classes. Each card is valid for 10 sessions and expires at the end of the session in which it was purchased. The cards remain in the studio and clients are required to mark off each class attended at that time.
Can I use a Punch Card for the weekday morning classes?
No. Punch cards can only be used for evening and Saturday morning classes. All other classes must be reserved on a full session basis.
Can I make-up classes that I’ve missed?
We try to be as flexible and as accommodating as possible. To that end, we often allow clients to make up classes during the current session. Because many of our classes are full, we ask that clients confirm availability in the intended make-up class to ensure that everyone has space in the class. We ask that clients not simply ‘drop-in’ to classes due to limited availability in many of our classes.
What do I need to bring to classes?
Generally nothing special. However, we recommend that clients wear the appropriate fitness attire and footwear and bring a filled water bottle to hydrate, a towel to wipe down equipment & weightlifting gloves for boot camp to protect the hands. All fitness equipment is provided to properly participate in classes.
How do you handle bad air quality days for boot camp?
Air quality is an issue in Shanghai and we do our best to maintain classes and protect clients’ health during bad air days. Below is generally how we handle unhealthy AQI (Air Quality Index) air days:
Under 150: normal class
150-200: moderate modifications to the work-out (i.e. less cardio)
200-249: significant modifications to the work-out (i.e. move indoors if space allows, remove cardio and use circuits only)
Over 250: class is canceled (we will always do our best to provide a make-up class)
Still have questions?
Click to write us a note with your question, and we will get back to you shortly.
Inspiring Wellness Inside Out
© 2018 InnerFIT 360°
InnerFIT 360° Studio
Located in the Ambassy Club
Basement B1
588 Hong Feng Road
Pudong, Shanghai